
Transport To Care

transport2What is Transport To Care?

Every day millions of patients need transportation to and from medical centers for chronic care and treatment, but many do not have the means to get there. Reliable transportation can help ease financial, mental and physical stress of patients undergoing treatment for chronic and life-threatening conditions.

The Transport To Care Program is an initiative of Petals of Hope Foundation, Inc. that will provide transportation for patients with medical necessity, in the greater Orlando area, who have limited resources, are unable to drive themselves, or have no family support.

Petals of Hope Transport to Care Fund

The Petals of Hope Foundation would like the road to recovery to be as smooth as possible for patients battling breast cancer. The Petals of Hope Transport to Care Fund at the Florida Hospital provides reliable and consistent transportation for patients receiving breast cancer treatment. We understand the financial hardship the diagnosis, surgical treatment and related therapy can have on patients and/or patient families battling this disease. Therefore, we are providing funds for Transport To Care to support patients with financial hardships. We would like to help patients fighting this disease, by alleviating their worries about transportation.

